
Continental Drift

Continental Drift: "No other religion lays on the guilt trip quite like Christianity. How? Christianity teaches that:

1. We are all born sinners.
2. Some guy named Jesus died for our sins.
3. We must accept this Jesus as our personal savior.
4. The penalty for not accepting this Jesus is eternal damnation.
5. We are all responsible for the crucifixion of this Jesus.

For two thousand years, this wicked and debased teaching has been chipping away at human happiness and dignity. For two thousand years, Christianity has had the chance to create a compassionate, enlightened society and has failed miserably. Christians have murdered millions, destroyed unique cultures that resisted its criminal missionaries, and are now busy, along with their Islamic brethren, destroying the earth’s fragile ecosystems. Cast Jesus Christ out of your life forever!!!! All he has a key to is the shit house. Stand up as a free and proud people and create a truly enlightened society without dogma, shame, and weakness. Dare to believe in the basic goodness of human beings, not their basic “sinfulness.“"


Terry Bradshaw

While watching the NFL Network, they were doing a show about Football & Religion. It was interesting.

Kudos to Terry Bradshaw, telling us how he doesn't like the whole invocation of God and personal religion displays during games - the type where the players praise the lord or jesus after a touchdown or good play. He asked why they don't do the same thing when they don't win or make a bad play. Good point Terry. See my post: "Miracles" a couple of posts ago for my same analogy about 12 of 13 miners dying. God got the credit for one saved, but doesn't get the credit for the twelve who died. Why not?

Mike Holmgren asked his players to do their little religion schtick back at the hotel, not at the stadium. I guess they were gathering together just before the game at the stadium and some of the players would be left out due to not wanting to participate or whatever reason. Instead of just banning it, he came up with the good solution to just have them hold their little prayer service back at the hotel. That way, the "team" would not be divided just before the game.