
Continental Drift

Continental Drift: "No other religion lays on the guilt trip quite like Christianity. How? Christianity teaches that:

1. We are all born sinners.
2. Some guy named Jesus died for our sins.
3. We must accept this Jesus as our personal savior.
4. The penalty for not accepting this Jesus is eternal damnation.
5. We are all responsible for the crucifixion of this Jesus.

For two thousand years, this wicked and debased teaching has been chipping away at human happiness and dignity. For two thousand years, Christianity has had the chance to create a compassionate, enlightened society and has failed miserably. Christians have murdered millions, destroyed unique cultures that resisted its criminal missionaries, and are now busy, along with their Islamic brethren, destroying the earth’s fragile ecosystems. Cast Jesus Christ out of your life forever!!!! All he has a key to is the shit house. Stand up as a free and proud people and create a truly enlightened society without dogma, shame, and weakness. Dare to believe in the basic goodness of human beings, not their basic “sinfulness.“"


Becky said...

Actually you have it quite wrong, but that's just how I believe.

1 - We are all born sinners.
Nope, that's not what my faith believes, we are born into this life sinless, free of guilt, free of transgression.

2. Some guy named Jesus died for our sins.

This is true. Jesus Christ did die for our sins.

3. We must accept this Jesus as our personal savior.

We should, it would be the right thing to, but you don't have to.
4. The penalty for not accepting this Jesus is eternal damnation.


5. We are all responsible for the crucifixion of this Jesus.

How in the bloody heck are we responsible?I dunno what Christians you've been talking to, but that isn't true.

Noman said...

This post was a copy from another blog.

From Christians I have spoken to, we may not be "born" sinners, but due to the whole falling from grace, Adam & Eve set the course for the rest of to live in sin and constantly try to recover from this doomed fate.

2. Nobody died for my sins.

3. Why should we? Why is it the right thing to do?

4. Perhaps not. But part of the whole bible Christians (and Jews) subscribe to says this:
Leviticus 20:9
9 " 'If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother, and his blood will be on his own head.

Pretty harsh punishment, wouldn't you say. Perhaps an ideal to live to not curse your mother or father, but a death penalty for it? Remember, this is the same God who is the supposed leader of the Christian faith, even though the message changed somewhat since the writing of Leviticus. I thought that God's laws and actions were eternal?

5. Good question. I think that the Romans or Jews were responsible for crucifying Jesus, that is if it ever really happened.