* The blasphemous Atheists of Ireland *
Reprinted from:
#1300~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 01/06/2010
WE begin this, the 1300th edition of AANEWS with a story about the
civil rights of Atheists.
"Across the pond," our comrades in Ireland are vigorously protesting
a new blasphemy statute designed to muzzle free speech under the
rubric of protecting the sanctity and image of religion. The law
took effect on News Year's Day, and punishes those who utter or
print statements deemed "grossly abusive or insulting in relation
to matters held sacred by any religion, thereby causing outrage
among a substantial number of the adherents to that religion."
Such actions could result in a fine of euro 25,000, the equivalent
of about $38,500 in U.S. currency.
Supporters of the measure justify this high-handed censorship by
declaring that anyone accused of blasphemy may defend themselves
through a "reasonable person" test, one that clearly demonstrates
that the offending declarations have artistic, political, literary
or academic value. This appears to provide a useful exemption from
the blasphemy prosecution; but it ignores more fundamental issues,
like the question of whether government should be intervening in
the free speech "marketplace" to begin with! Yes, yes, yes, we've
heard the pabulum that "One is not free to cry 'fire!' in a crowded
theater, or use "fighting words" against individuals or group
("Burn down that house!"). More often that not, these fictional
cases do not match the reality of how blasphemy statutes have been
employed throughout history, nor can they serve as a compelling
and rational argument for enacting these types of laws today.
The statutes also endow religion with a "special right" that
clearly Atheists and other speakers do not have. Defenders of
vegetarianism, animal rights, gay marriage or opinions about UFOs
-- and everything else in the realm of human discourse -- do not
enjoy such protections. What if, say, believers in a "flat earth"
are "offended" by critiques from academics? What if creationists
take umbrage when paleontologists, geologists and other academics
savage their ill-founded options? Indeed, fans of the Dallas Cowboys
may surely be offended when, say, supporters of the Philadelphia
Eagles describe their team with an abundance of expletives and
exaggerations. So what?
The religious, however, get a free pass on all of this.
Atheists like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens have rightly
pointed out that when matters of faith are raised, such opinions --
including those which assert the most preposterous of claims like the
"virgin birth" or the Rapture -- are to be treated gingerly and "with
respect," no matter how overwhelming evidence may be to the contrary.
We employ the methods of science to launch human beings into space,
grow food, or fly from New York to Los Angeles. This same kind of
intellectual rigor, however, is rarely used in evaluating matters
of faith; and thanks to blasphemy laws, even TALKING in a way that
may offend or insult believers is now elevated to a new and higher
legal standard.
In response, the Atheists of Ireland have taken up the battle cry
to protest that nation's blasphemy statutes. On its web site at
http://www.atheist.ie/ , they pull no punches, and have now posted
a battery of "blasphemous" quotations by leading figure such as
Mark Twain. Their site proudly declares:
"Despite these quotes being abusive and insulting in relation to
matters held sacred by various religions, we unreservedly support
the right of these people to have published or uttered them.
We unreservedly support the right of any Irish citizen to make
comparable statements about matters held sacred by any religion
without fear of being criminalized, and without having to prove to
a court that a reasonable person would find any particular value
in the statement."
While Ireland is a predominantly Roman Catholic country, we may
expect that among the first to try and exploit the blasphemy
statutes will be Muslims who rightly see nearly any criticism
or comment about their religion as a threat. This has been the
excuse for blasphemy statutes in South Asia and the Middle East,
and increasingly in Europe where Islam is clamoring for special
protections and immunity from any defamatory or critical statements.
In this case, the Atheists of Ireland have taken on an issue with
national and global repercussions; and they have weighed-in to a
debate that rages at the United Nations and elsewhere, one that
tests the limits of civil discourse and intellectual inquiry/
For this, they are to be congratulated.
So, enjoy the 25 blasphemous quotations reproduced in this
issue of AANEWS, and visit the Atheists or Ireland web site at
http://www.atheist.ie/ . We suggest that you show your support
--before it is too late!
-- Conrad Goeringer
Editor, AANEWS
By Atheist Ireland | Published: January 2, 2010
Published by Atheist Ireland on 1 January 2010
Those silly christians are at it again
Why do christians always adopt and transmogrify (transitive verb : to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect) everything to try to relate to or justify their phony story of virgin birth of jesus? Here we go - a recent newsletter from our friends at Christian Anti-Communism Crusade http://www.schwarzreport.org/:
"The main body of testimony concerning the virgin birth occurs in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. However, the Old Testament predicted the Messiah’s unusual conception hundreds of years before Matthew and Luke ever wrote their Gospels.
The concept of the virgin birth of Jesus must concur with the prescribed mode of entrance granted the Messiah in the Old Testament.
The key Old Testament text is Isaiah 7:14. There may also be an allusion to the virgin conception in Genesis 3:15."
Note the use "predicted the Messiah's ... " as an absolute certainty as if no controversy exists over the original scripture's meaning.
For further reading about this supposed prediction, read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaiah_7:14. It is clear from that article that once again, those silly christians are stretching to make links that really aren't there. But then again, who started this whole monotheistic thing in the first place? Isn't it their fault that somehow it was bastardized into another major religion? Not really.... but Nobody Really Knows.
And furthermore, what the heck is it with old groups that never die. I found this group from a 1962 newspaper article and wondered if they were still around... and this is what I found. I wonder if this is like a government program - once it starts you can never get rid of it?
"The main body of testimony concerning the virgin birth occurs in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. However, the Old Testament predicted the Messiah’s unusual conception hundreds of years before Matthew and Luke ever wrote their Gospels.
The concept of the virgin birth of Jesus must concur with the prescribed mode of entrance granted the Messiah in the Old Testament.
The key Old Testament text is Isaiah 7:14. There may also be an allusion to the virgin conception in Genesis 3:15."
Note the use "predicted the Messiah's ... " as an absolute certainty as if no controversy exists over the original scripture's meaning.
For further reading about this supposed prediction, read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaiah_7:14. It is clear from that article that once again, those silly christians are stretching to make links that really aren't there. But then again, who started this whole monotheistic thing in the first place? Isn't it their fault that somehow it was bastardized into another major religion? Not really.... but Nobody Really Knows.
And furthermore, what the heck is it with old groups that never die. I found this group from a 1962 newspaper article and wondered if they were still around... and this is what I found. I wonder if this is like a government program - once it starts you can never get rid of it?
Jan 1, 1962 Continued
The more things change, the they seem the same - was this written in 1962 or perhaps 2009?
Republicans Accused By Demo Leader
WASHINGTON— ••?• —Democratic National Chairman John M Railey has accused Republicans of making an alliance with conservative fringe groups.
"The Republicans are more; and more taking their ideas' from the reckless radicals of the far right and echoing the efforts of these extremist agitators to breed fear and suspicion in our society." Bailey said yesterday. His remarks were in an annual report to Democratic committee members and state chairmen. Bailey said "It would seem that a new political axis is in
the process of formation. "It is a strange alliance of Republicans and the fringe groups of self-appointed patriots who prey upon ignorance
and prejudice. This curious union of Republicans and right-wing fanatics can best be described as fanatican party."
01/01/1962 Oakland Tribune
Republicans Accused By Demo Leader
WASHINGTON— ••?• —Democratic National Chairman John M Railey has accused Republicans of making an alliance with conservative fringe groups.
"The Republicans are more; and more taking their ideas' from the reckless radicals of the far right and echoing the efforts of these extremist agitators to breed fear and suspicion in our society." Bailey said yesterday. His remarks were in an annual report to Democratic committee members and state chairmen. Bailey said "It would seem that a new political axis is in
the process of formation. "It is a strange alliance of Republicans and the fringe groups of self-appointed patriots who prey upon ignorance
and prejudice. This curious union of Republicans and right-wing fanatics can best be described as fanatican party."
01/01/1962 Oakland Tribune
Now featuring 1962.... From the Oakland Tribune, Monday, January 1, 1962
Peace Hopes—Little fellows world over hope leaders can implement peace pledges —Page 1.
Busy Year — Domestic programs, international situation nromise eventful year for President Kennedy.—Page 1.
Celebration—-President Kennedy attends New Year's Eve party, exchanges peace pledges with Khrushchev.—Page 1
Death Toll on nation's highways runs behind Safety Council estimates.—Page 1.
Reno Riot quelled" by tear gas and streams from fire hoses.—Page 1.
Huge Haul — Burglars ransack mansion of Joseph C. Ihckingbotham in ISan Rafael, get furs, jewels valued at SI million. —Page 1. ;
Career h n d s — Jerry Giesler, f a m e d defense lawyer for movie stars and underworld characters, dies of heart ailment at age 75.—Page 1.
Highway Toll Runs Behind Past Years
The nation's highway death toll appeared headed for a new record today, the lowest
number of traffic fatalities ever recorded on a three-day New Year's weekend. The National Safety Council, which had predicted 330 deaths, said 241 persons have
died in automobile mishaps. But the period doesn't end until midnight tonight. Millions will still be on the road. The lowest previous death toll was 269 in the three-day holiday of 1949-50, and the The Safety Council reported that 56 persons died in fires throughout the nation during the New Year's weekend, and
41 perished in miscellaneous accidents.
Little Man Hopes '62 Brings Peace
Associated Press Staff Writer
The new year dawned in an air of guarded optimism today with the little fellow the world over sharing in a common hope that the leaders can implement their pledges towards lasting peace.
For many, however, the road to that long-sought end appeared about as cloudy as the eves of millions who celebrated the birth of 1962 with mirth and drink. For Westerners, the major hope was that Soviet Premier Khrushchev meant it when he pledged that his country would “do everything possible to avoid the threat of war in 1962."
NEW YORK—P—President Kennedy is Time Magazine's man of the year for 1961.
10,000 Invited to Anti-Red Crusade
, About 10.000 Bay Area business leaders have been invited to hear a talk in San Francisco Thursday by Dr. Fred C. Schwarz, executive director of the Christian Anti- Communist Crusade. The invitations were' issued by Patrick J. Frawley Jr., chairman of the board of the corporations and a vice chairman of the crusade. Frawley invited the executives to be his guests in the Sheraton-Palace Hotel at noon Thursday. Dr. Schwarz's topic will be '"The Responsibility of the Businessman in the Battle Against Communism."
01/01/2010 Nobody Knows Editor Note: If you search the web for the "Christian Anti-Communist Crusade", just to see if it is still around, yes - it sure is - http://www.schwarzreport.org/
Ca-lt •!<••••-t'.ur+ -J p.V.«' Tht» TV t ar» fn'.'y fiuy«r?««cuaran;»« en p,c''jr* tub*, 90 rfayt on »'-\ parti. Yei, they »r« r*pc»5«isici», but w«'v» put rti*m In (xiffect irmr«— t« >.n »M you•:<>a quality TV /or only HI!
THIS WEEK - OPEN TUES., THURS. and FRI. NITES 'til 9 GROSS BROS. 537 12th St. at Clay GL 1-9380
E. 14th St. 429th Ave. AN 1-9300
9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., TueJ., Thurs.,
Macdonild at the Freeway BE 3-9220
Open every night till 9:30 p.m.
TE 2-2770
mattress or box spring twin or full
• Be kind to your back with 837 individually pocketett
coil springs that provide "Floating Action"
• Chsc-o smooth quilt-top or precision button-tufting
.. . neither will sag, shift, nor lump!
Wards is inviting you to try this world-famous Simmons Beautyrest
in your own home for a whole month. Sleep on it, and if you're
not convinced that this is the finest mnitress you've owned, your
money will be refunded in full. Be kind to your back as well as
to your budget, independent springs provide buoyant, balanced
support for every inch of the body. The Beautyrest lasts 3 times
longer, as reported by the United States Testing Co.
Peace Hopes—Little fellows world over hope leaders can implement peace pledges —Page 1.
Busy Year — Domestic programs, international situation nromise eventful year for President Kennedy.—Page 1.
Celebration—-President Kennedy attends New Year's Eve party, exchanges peace pledges with Khrushchev.—Page 1
Death Toll on nation's highways runs behind Safety Council estimates.—Page 1.
Reno Riot quelled" by tear gas and streams from fire hoses.—Page 1.
Huge Haul — Burglars ransack mansion of Joseph C. Ihckingbotham in ISan Rafael, get furs, jewels valued at SI million. —Page 1. ;
Career h n d s — Jerry Giesler, f a m e d defense lawyer for movie stars and underworld characters, dies of heart ailment at age 75.—Page 1.
Highway Toll Runs Behind Past Years
The nation's highway death toll appeared headed for a new record today, the lowest
number of traffic fatalities ever recorded on a three-day New Year's weekend. The National Safety Council, which had predicted 330 deaths, said 241 persons have
died in automobile mishaps. But the period doesn't end until midnight tonight. Millions will still be on the road. The lowest previous death toll was 269 in the three-day holiday of 1949-50, and the The Safety Council reported that 56 persons died in fires throughout the nation during the New Year's weekend, and
41 perished in miscellaneous accidents.
Little Man Hopes '62 Brings Peace
Associated Press Staff Writer
The new year dawned in an air of guarded optimism today with the little fellow the world over sharing in a common hope that the leaders can implement their pledges towards lasting peace.
For many, however, the road to that long-sought end appeared about as cloudy as the eves of millions who celebrated the birth of 1962 with mirth and drink. For Westerners, the major hope was that Soviet Premier Khrushchev meant it when he pledged that his country would “do everything possible to avoid the threat of war in 1962."
NEW YORK—P—President Kennedy is Time Magazine's man of the year for 1961.
10,000 Invited to Anti-Red Crusade
, About 10.000 Bay Area business leaders have been invited to hear a talk in San Francisco Thursday by Dr. Fred C. Schwarz, executive director of the Christian Anti- Communist Crusade. The invitations were' issued by Patrick J. Frawley Jr., chairman of the board of the corporations and a vice chairman of the crusade. Frawley invited the executives to be his guests in the Sheraton-Palace Hotel at noon Thursday. Dr. Schwarz's topic will be '"The Responsibility of the Businessman in the Battle Against Communism."
01/01/2010 Nobody Knows Editor Note: If you search the web for the "Christian Anti-Communist Crusade", just to see if it is still around, yes - it sure is - http://www.schwarzreport.org/
Ca-lt •!<••••-t'.ur+ -J p.V.«' Tht» TV t ar» fn'.'y fiuy«r?««cuaran;»« en p,c''jr* tub*, 90 rfayt on »'-\ parti. Yei, they »r« r*pc»5«isici», but w«'v» put rti*m In (xiffect irmr«— t« >.n »M you•:<>a quality TV /or only HI!
THIS WEEK - OPEN TUES., THURS. and FRI. NITES 'til 9 GROSS BROS. 537 12th St. at Clay GL 1-9380
E. 14th St. 429th Ave. AN 1-9300
9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., TueJ., Thurs.,
Macdonild at the Freeway BE 3-9220
Open every night till 9:30 p.m.
TE 2-2770
mattress or box spring twin or full
• Be kind to your back with 837 individually pocketett
coil springs that provide "Floating Action"
• Chsc-o smooth quilt-top or precision button-tufting
.. . neither will sag, shift, nor lump!
Wards is inviting you to try this world-famous Simmons Beautyrest
in your own home for a whole month. Sleep on it, and if you're
not convinced that this is the finest mnitress you've owned, your
money will be refunded in full. Be kind to your back as well as
to your budget, independent springs provide buoyant, balanced
support for every inch of the body. The Beautyrest lasts 3 times
longer, as reported by the United States Testing Co.
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