The more things change, the they seem the same - was this written in 1962 or perhaps 2009?
Republicans Accused By Demo Leader
WASHINGTON— ••?• —Democratic National Chairman John M Railey has accused Republicans of making an alliance with conservative fringe groups.
"The Republicans are more; and more taking their ideas' from the reckless radicals of the far right and echoing the efforts of these extremist agitators to breed fear and suspicion in our society." Bailey said yesterday. His remarks were in an annual report to Democratic committee members and state chairmen. Bailey said "It would seem that a new political axis is in
the process of formation. "It is a strange alliance of Republicans and the fringe groups of self-appointed patriots who prey upon ignorance
and prejudice. This curious union of Republicans and right-wing fanatics can best be described as fanatican party."
01/01/1962 Oakland Tribune
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