
Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays vs. Happy Hannukah vs. Happy Kwanza

All the hullabaloo (i love that word) about the use of Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas - from the retail industry to the cards the White House sends out - it is quite a stupid hullabaloo.

What occurred to me the other day after giving into the whole holiday ritual and suffering through the crowds at the local Target store was how stupid this whole thing is. We run around all crazy to buy gifts for people, while all the while we could really do something generous for the season and help the hungry by providing those hundred's of dollars to a homeless shelter or a food kitchen. Perhaps we could provide housing or education to the less fortunate of society. Perhaps we could just keep our money for the future - invest it and be able to provide for our children.

But, would Bill O'Reilly really advocate such a move at Christmas time? Would he suggest loving thy brother or as he has done to advocate bringing horror to those who use the word holiday instead of Christmas in their ads or literature. Media Matters - O'Reilly promised to "bring horror" to alleged "anti-Christian forces" who oppose Christmas: "I'm gonna use all the power that I have on radio and television to bring horror into the world of people who are trying to do that. "

Give me a break Bill. If you were espousing returning to the real roots of Christianity and what it stands for and not the whoreish commercialization of the holiday, then you would have some credibility. Isn't it unChristianlike to promote "Horror" onto anyone? And doesn't our country stand at the forefront of freedom of expression?

So the Jews and Muslims of this country mean nothing. I have seen statistics that state that 96% of people "celebrate" Christmas in this country. That may be true, but I doubt that even 50% truly celebrate it for its religious meaning. If they did, they wouldn't resort to the hours of shopping, the stress and the stupidity that this holiday has become.

Happy holidays or Seson's Greetings acknowledges all faiths or no faith at all. Call a Christmas tree what it is, I agree, even if the custom was adopted from Pagan rituals. I personally celebrate the season and the fact that we move from autumn to winter in December and that spring is just around the corner. A true celebration of the new life of spring. But, say Merry Christmas if that suits you - or say Happy Hannukah or say Happy Ramadan or whatever. But don't include me in your witch hunt Mr. Reilly, to expose and "bring horror" to those who think differently from you - those who think that is. Those who want all of us to be part of this diverse country. But as usual, right wing blowhards don't usually understand things like that.

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