
Catholic News and Views

Monday, September 26, 2005

Catholic News and Views

Catholic News and Views: "Americans, believers or no, at this point are holding their breath and whispering a prayer for the people trying to evacuate the Texas and Louisianna coasts. 'How could God do this to us again?' I've heard people ask, even very religious people. Scientists are explaining to us the cycle of these more violent weather systems, and the factors that come together to make them happen. There seems to be a satisfactory enough explanation on a natural level that is that it doesn't seem necessary to blame God. Rather, we have the promise from God himself that no matter what befalls us from the powers of nature, he will be working through it nevertheless for our salvation. In other words, God's love is reliable because the storm is not stronger than God. Regardless of what category the Hurricane hits land as, God will work simultaneously in each person's life to bring good out of the evil. And in this case, I believe that God will be working simultaneously in and through each Americans' life to bring about some unexpected good for our country. It may not be more money, pleasure, or success. Those aren't things God considers very important. But it will be something on the lines of a greater awareness of the needs of each other, a more serious commitment to justice for the poor in our cities, a willingness to change our lifestyle because we see and know the people now who are in desperate need. They are in our house. God also will be working miracles that we'll find out about after. I was e-mailed this from a friend who is a Sacred Heart Brother: Sacred Heart Brothers, students survive hurricane in Mississippi By Larry Wahl Catholic News Service MOBILE, Ala. (CNS) -- One hundred fifty men,...."

Sooooo. I notice here that there is a selectiveness of what people attribute to god and what they don't. Nature, hurricane - that isn't god. It is nature. But, the "miracles" - those people who were lucky enough to survive in some odd way is the work of god. But, all those who died or were maimed or have nowhere to go now - why are those not also "non-miracles" of god's work?

I know - lessons can be learned from these things - that there are more important things in life than what Paris Hilton is up to or who she is screwing (or not screwing) - but I will repeat again: If god is responsible for saving a life, then he is also responsible for letting someone die.

Oh, that's right - the afterlife - I keep forgetting. Death isn't bad - it is moving on - as long as you are right with God/Jesus etc. before you die.

Get rid of all of it - attribute this to natural forces - no "saving" of life by supernatural means - it just happens - and it all makes sense. To claim one side and not the other - or to claim that it is God's plan - and we can't question it is just plain human rationalization.
now here or no where 6:57 PM | (0) comments |

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