
Suffering 2

Friday, September 30, 2005

Suffering 2

Logic. Explanation to why we just can't pin down this whole god thing range from what sounds like good reasoning to outright rationalization.

SO - most of what is professed by the believers doesn't make sense to me. It is incomprehensable. The concept of God doesn't make sense. None of my logic says - if this, then God. I just can't come to this conclusion, ever.

Miracles. They say it was miraculous that more people didn't die during Hurricane Rita. Why is it miraculous? If that is so miraculous, then what do they say about all the people who did die due to Katrina? They attribute that to nature or evil.

Why is it the positive is attributed to God and the negative to evil.

Isn't god the creator of all?

So, why do I beat myself up so hard with this question - constantly questioning my belief or lack thereof? I can barely contain myself talking to people about this issue. When I ask pointed questions - deep questions, most average people can't answer them. I don't claim to be some deep thinker - i can barely put together a cogent paragraph sometimes or keep my thoughts straight - but this isn't my psych session.

So - as I was saying - this whole question comes down to this: Abandoning reason. That is the way I figure it. But can I do that? Is that the path I want to take? It seems that reality is harsh. Death is death - the end - as my view - a simple view - called by some the easy way out. But I see it as the most logical view.

Look around you sometime. I look at the human form as I wander through the halls of work or at the grocery store - what I see is the marvelous differences in people - fat, skinny, out of proportion, sexy, ugly, insanely insatiable, average joes and joettes, you name it, we come in all shapes, sizes. What the average person would attribute this to is God and the wonder of life. I attribute it to the wonder of life and how amazing it is without the God part. Are we really that different though. I figure that life is such an impossibility - all the things in our universe point to the improbability of us coming into existence - but - the building blocks were here from the start - it just took a long time for the seeds to grow and evolve. I see evolution and the wild variations just in humans - the mind, the body, all of it. But, I don't conclude god or the god of the christian or jewish bible though. I value life above all else because I truly believe this is the one chance we have. We need to live in the here and now - not wait for some ever after that occurs after death. Unknown. Death isn't bad except for the unknown. I guess that is one big reason the masses gravitate toward the religion and the story of the afterlife - the promise of something better.

You see, I don't see this as a hell. Yes, it is tough sometimes - but we are the ones that can influence our experience on earth. I think one of the issue that hinders religion is that if people use that as an excuse to not improve in this lifetime - then it gives them a reason to procrastinate and not really make it a go this life. It is insideous. But - religion does make people do a lot of good things - but if I tell people I am a non-believer - I am looked at with disdain. Why does not believing what most people on earth believe make me some sort of deviant? Because religion also has built into it guilt, and the tendancy to label non-believers as heretics - it pre-judges people. Just because I don't believe in what I consider a fairy tale of god of the bible - doesn't mean I am any less human than a believer. Heck, the believers even call other god believers heretics if they believe in their particular brand of religion.

I don't have some grand notion that we should become non-believers - I see very clearly what the appeal of religion and god believing is.
1. Be part of a large group.
2. Never worry about the afterlife if you follow the rules and walk the walk.
3. Have that sense that god is watching out for you and helps you somehow.

It is all an illusion to me. And you know what - so what. A man/woman should not judged by his beliefs or words - but by his deeds. If he made a mistake, then he should be forgiven and allowed to make good on it if he shows he can really change - to apologize and fly straight - not forever condemned (except in heinous crimes - which there is no reason in my mind to forgive a rapist or murderer. They are screwed up and need to be locked away - the victim and families are the ones that need to do the coming to terms with it without letting it eat them alive.)

People take out selective parts of the bible to use to their current situation all the time. Do I expect a christian to be perfect - no - but don't preach to me without adhering to your beliefs. If you really are a christian - then behave like one as the bible says. If your religion says no sex before marriage, then you should live by that. if it says that you must starve yourself for days on end to get closer to god -then you should do it. Don't just take the parts you want - live it. That is what it is all about. And stop proseletizing the whole 3rd world and unsuspecting people. I know that is a major tenet - and it was a smart move by the founders - spread the word - increase your flocks.

I don't have a message to preach. Live and let live. But, do unto others...

So what is so different between me and the average religious person?
now here or no where 6:31 PM | (0) comments |

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