

Sunday, September 25, 2005


I am currently reading : "Making Sense Out of Suffering " - after having a really long deep conversation with my sister about the effects of Hurricane Katrina and more specifically about the whole idea of suffering and what purpose, if any, that it serves. I proffered my usual tack that this event offers yet more proof to my belief that god does not exist. My reasoning is that if he did, and he is as he is described by christians as all knowing and all good and all powerful, that he would not allow such events to occur.

My sense says that these things happen just because they do. It is just weather acting as impersonal as always - not victimizing anyone for a reason, but just randomly playing out its perpetual cycle. To me this makes much more sense than the whole god, evil vs. good etc. I don't blame god for my ills as I don't think about it that way - if we are just bundles of carbon units just created out of the nothingness of space to congeal to this imperfect being we are today, that sounds much more plausible than some creator having a hand in something so imperfect. It just makes sense that we have grown to where we are.

I do get the whole idea of learning from adversity and without the bad, how could we tell what is good and more importantly, appreciate it. We can learn from things that really pull us down indeed. But, why does the other side have to be supernatural?

Anyway - the book is good so far - and I will reserve judgment and review till I get all the way through it.
now here or no where 9:58 PM | (0) comments |

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