
War on Nature

Friday, September 09, 2005

War on Terror is so 2001, now it's War on Nature

So..... let's think about the longer term response to this disaster. It is obvious that we need to rethink our readiness, especially for the first responders and communications - building this from scratch immediately after a storm. The question is cost. Do we have the endurance to go the long haul with this and really commit to it?

Will the government reengineer FEMA?
Will they pass a huge spending bill (not for Katrina relief, but for future disasters)?

And if they enlarge government as they did after 9/11, how will they pay for it.

Will President Bush and congress roll back those tax cuts of a few years ago?

Will they devise a realistic way to pay for all this?

Will this really do any good?

Will more government in this huge task really be effective?


Will this ultimately be seen as a fluke event?

And since it is domestic and not worthy of "spreading democracy", will it get the funding it deserves?

Will this mean we rethink our spending in Iraq?

Will we bring home a lot more troops to help in the relief effort here at home?

Will this have a long term negative effect on Bush and fellow Republicans?

And will the finger pointing help democrats - or will many Americans just get fed up with the whole mess and punish both parties? Then what?

Democrats - it is time for solutions. Yes, we need to investigate this, but we need to be positive and forward thinking - not to constantly berate Bush, FEMA and all the layers that contributed to this. Mistakes were and are being made - hold people accountable - but have fresh ideas and work to solutions to better handle disasters in the future and NOW.
now here or no where 11:07 PM | (0) comments |

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